Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Hooray, the 2nd graders came today!

Single-digit temperatures kept Mrs. Pohl and her 2nd graders from coming last week, but they made up for it today with an extra long visit. Not only did they all get to choose a book to borrow, but they had time for a story And to Think That We Thought That We'd Never Be Friends by Mary Ann Hoberman. That book has great rhymes. When I read to the class, I left out the final rhyming word and they came up with the right rhyme every time. Everyone entered the Guess How Many Game. This time they had to estimate how many paperclips were in the jar (69). Nicholas Farinella came the closest at 66. He happily chose two books, a Real Monsters book for himself and a Harry Potter book for his brother. He said he'd never won anything before! The class serenaded Judy and me with "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" before they headed back to the school. We are already looking forward to their next visit in January.

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