Thursday, December 29, 2005

Fistful of money

Here are Elizabeth & Audrey (what great thought is Elizabeth thinking do you suppose??), ready to pay for their pizza Wednesday night. Pizza & Movie Night was a lot of fun with 20 children and adults eating pizza and watching "Brother Bear." We'll have another Pizza & Movie night in early February with another great animated flick, "The Iron Giant."

And he's off!

Our treasurer Chuck Depew leaves the library with a big smile on his face. He is off to Toledo, visiting family & friends along the way. Bye, Chuck, and good luck!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Louie Louie Up On Top

You never know what you will find at the Freedom Public Library!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

The Height of Fashion

Dawn Alexander came straight from the Effingham Elementary School where she works as a reading specialist. All the teachers wore these snazzy Christmas shorts today (and Santa hats) and she graciously posed for a picture before she chose her books and was on her way!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Hooray, the 2nd graders came today!

Single-digit temperatures kept Mrs. Pohl and her 2nd graders from coming last week, but they made up for it today with an extra long visit. Not only did they all get to choose a book to borrow, but they had time for a story And to Think That We Thought That We'd Never Be Friends by Mary Ann Hoberman. That book has great rhymes. When I read to the class, I left out the final rhyming word and they came up with the right rhyme every time. Everyone entered the Guess How Many Game. This time they had to estimate how many paperclips were in the jar (69). Nicholas Farinella came the closest at 66. He happily chose two books, a Real Monsters book for himself and a Harry Potter book for his brother. He said he'd never won anything before! The class serenaded Judy and me with "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" before they headed back to the school. We are already looking forward to their next visit in January.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

All alone...

Here I am, all alone in the library on a snowy Friday afternoon. From 12:00 - 5:00, I had one patron who was not a volunteer or a member of my family. Do I look a little lonely? I was!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Christmas Louie

Louie gets into the Christmas spirit.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Winter Film Series

We've got a Film Series coming up at the library, nine films in all, two Sundays a month beginning January 8th. It was going to be a nice, neat every-other-Sunday until Lee Allison pointed out that 2/5 is Super Bowl Sunday. Shall We Dance is a lovely movie, but not sure it could compete against the Super Bowl (no accounting for taste). So we'll have two Sundays in a row in Feb, but otherwise it's every other Sunday at 4:00. See for the complete schedule with descriptions or come by the library to pick up a flyer for your frig. Many thanks to Terry Leavitt who created the flyer and poster!! Here are the movies we'll be showing:

Mrs. Brown, Motorcycle Diaries, Shall We Dance, Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert, Run Lola Run, Crash, The Man Who Would Be King, Keys to the House, and Mad Hot Ballroom. I chose the films for their excellence rather than going for a theme this time. I know you will enjoy them all. Come on out... it won't cost you anything unless you buy some popcorn (I dare you to resist!)

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Bingo, movie, pizza, oh my!

Yesterday was a great day at the library! The 2nd graders from Freedom Elementary visited around lunchtime, then a few students came after school to hang out at the library and play games. We played Pictionary Junior (fun) and Bingo (even more fun because there were prizes!) Here's a picture of the group concentrating intensely as Judy calls the numbers. In the evening 21 children and adults gathered to watch Secondhand Lions and eat delicious pizza. Many thanks to the Freedom Market for providing special pricing on pizzas so we can keep the cost down for our patrons. Even without the discount, the pizzas are very reasonable. We ate every bit of all six pizzas and everyone gave them a hearty THUMBS UP!