Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Ode to the Freedom Public Library

Elizabeth Marx led this week's writing workshop for students going into 5th grade and older.  They learned all about odes, wrote one together as a group, then each wrote their own.  Click here to read some of the individual poems.  Here is the group project "Ode to the Freedom Public Library"  I love it!

Written by the Writer's Workshop Group
Jeffrey C. Cieslikowski, Brianna D., Lauren Gambon, Liam Gambon, and Nathanael Mathieu

Oh Library, what will I win today?
T-Shirt or MP3 Player, perhaps Go Carting or a Bobbie Sue Kiddie Cone?
Please, please, please pull my raffle ticket, I so need an iTunes card
(but a piece of maple candy will work).

No peace and quiet here.
This library is for fun and games. Preschoolers in town
dance and sing with rhythm sticks, shaking eggs, and stomping feet.
Top it off with glitter glue, finger paint, and stickers
(and a piece of bubble gum candy).

Boring Friday nights perk up
A room full of hungry moviegoers of all ages.
Big screen, loud speakers, hanging out with friends.
Pause the movie for pizza.... and cookies
(and sneak a piece of green apple candy).

Chill out on Teen Night
with the kicking Air Conditioner blasting full speed.
Beading, Tie Dyes, Frozen T shirts, Duct Tape.
ìWiiî rock the Guitar Hero before the movie and pizza
(and a fistful of lemonade candy).

Oh my local library,
What shall I do with you today?
1000 piece puzzle, unlimited internet wifi, DVDs, magazines, comfy chairs.
Listen to music, browse the art, scan old photos, savor some candy
(and check out a book or two).

Friday, July 02, 2010

Scenes from the School's Out Party

We had 35 kids come to the library's Schools Out Party on June 22nd.  That's nearly half the school!  We were so swamped that I didn't take many pictures but here are two.  We played many games. This one - I put some money into two medicine containers, then taped them up, then covered the bottles with newspaper, then taped that up with duct tape and other tape, and continued adding paper and tape and some string until they were great big balls of tape and paper. The children got into two circles and one by one rolled a pair of dice.  If they rolled doubles, that person went into the center and began trying to open the package.  The other children continue rolling the dice until someone else rolls doubles. That person then gets a chance to try to get into the tape ball. Whoever is the one to finally get the money out of the container got to keep it!  There was quite a lot of screaming and excitement during this process, let me tell you!