Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry Potter mania

Jesse Wheeler was the first to pick up his reserved copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows when the library opened today. Tiffany, who won hers as a door prize at the summer reading program kick-off at the school, was in soon thereafter. I wonder what these kids will be doing today?? The library owns three copies of the new book. Call to get on the wait list if you would like to borrow a copy.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Ferrets in the Library

We had a great turnout for our program on ferrets last week during Fun Friday. Stephanie Mudgett of Freedom Ferret Services brought two of her 9 ferrets to visit with the children. She answered questions about them and talked about their unique qualities. Finally, the children got to hold the ferrets. It was hard not to squeeze too hard!